Windows 8.1 update cancel free download.Download Update for Windows 8.1 (KB2883200) from Official Microsoft Download Center

Windows 8 has reach end of support, which means Windows 8 devices no longer receive important security updates. We recommend making the free upgrade to Windows 8. Beginning in Julythe Windows 8 Store is officially closed. While you can no longer install or update applications from the Windows 8 Store, you can continue using those windows 8.1 update cancel free download installed. However, since Windows 8 has been out of support since Januarywe encourage you to update to Windows 8.

The system requirements for Windows windows 8.1 update cancel free download. Before you begin, here are some things to keep in mind. Your files, desktop apps, user accounts, and settings come with you. Windows 8. Your existing Windows Store apps don't come with you, but once the update is windows 8.1 update cancel free download, you can reinstall all of these apps at once—or just the ones you want.

We'll check your desktop apps and devices for you. As part of the update, we check your current desktop apps and connected devices. We'll let you know what you'll need to do to get them ready for the update or to get them working again after the update. In most cases, you won't need to do anything—most desktop apps, devices like printersand network connections will work normally after the update. Consider using a Microsoft account to sign in to your PC. If you already have an account you use with Outlook.

You can keep working while the update is installing. Download and installation times vary from about 30 minutes to several hours, depending on your internet connection speed and the speed and configuration of your PC, but you can still use your PC while the update is installing in the background.

After it restarts, you won't be able to use your PC for a little while from about 20 minutes to an hour while the updates are being applied. After that phase is complete, we'll walk you through choosing a few basic settings windows 8.1 update cancel free download then Windows will finish applying any final updates that are needed. Back up your files.

Although your files and apps come with you when you update to Windows 8. Make sure you have enough free disk space. If you're currently running Windows 8, you need 3, MB of available space to install the bit version of Windows 8. Plug in your laptop or tablet. It's important to keep your PC plugged in throughout the update process, because if you lose power before it's done, the update might not install properly.

Connect to the internet. It's best to stay connected until the update is done. Get the latest critical and important updates. There are some updates you might need before you can install Windows 8. In most cases, the latest updates will be installed automatically using Windows Update. Temporarily turn off your antivirus program. Some antivirus software might interfere with the installation. After you install Windows 8. The Store is no longer open for Windows 8, so you'll need to download Windows 8.

Go to the Windows 8. Select Confirm and follow the remaining prompts to begin the download. The update will download and install in the background while you use your PC to do other things. The installer will check windows 8.1 update cancel free download make sure you have enough disk space, that your apps and devices will work with Windows 8.

In some cases, the installer might find something you need to take care of before you can continue installing the update. If so, you'll see a message telling you what you need to do. After the update is downloaded and the first phase of the installation is complete which could take between 15 minutes and a few hours, depending on your system and your connection speedyou'll see a message telling you that your PC needs to restart.

Or you can restart it yourself. Important: If you leave your PC before it's ready to restart, be sure to save your work and close any desktop apps you're using to make sure you don't lose anything when it restarts automatically. Restarting will take longer than usual—from 20 minutes to about an hour—while the update is applied. During this time, you won't be able to use your PC. You'll see a list of recommended settings called Express windows 8.1 update cancel free download.

To accept these settings and continue, select Use express settings. You can change any of these settings later, after you finish setting up. If you'd like to change some of these settings now, select Customize.

For more info, select Learn more about express settings. To learn about how these settings affect your privacy, select Privacy statement. Next, you'll be asked to sign in. If you already use a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 8 or Windows RT, your account name will be filled in for you. If you previously used a local account, you can still use it to sign in.

We'll send a security code to the alternate email address or phone number you've set up for this account, and you'll need to enter that code to verify that you're the owner of the account.

This helps us protect your account and devices when you access sensitive info. If you don't have alternate contact info set up for the account yet, you'll be asked to provide it now. To sign in with your local account, enter your password. You can always connect to a Microsoft account later, and we recommend giving it a try.

Simply put, your Microsoft account is the glue that holds together so many useful features of the new Windows. With an account, you'll be able to get apps from the Windows Store, automatically sync your settings and documents between PCs, back up your photos to the cloud so you can get to them from anywhere, and see windows 8.1 update cancel free download your contacts from multiple email and social networking accounts together in the People and Mail apps. If this is your first time setting up a PC with Windows 8.

If you already have another PC running Windows 8. Photos you take with this PC are saved to your camera roll folder on this PC, and a smaller copy of each photo is automatically backed up to your OneDrive.

When you create a new document, the default save location is OneDrive. But you can always windows 8.1 update cancel free download to save individual documents locally or on another drive. Windows will save a backup copy of your PC settings to OneDrive. If something ever happens to your PC and you need to replace it, your settings are saved in the cloud and you can transfer them to a new PC instantly.

You can change any of these settings later in PC settings. If windows 8.1 update cancel free download prefer to turn off all of windows 8.1 update cancel free download settings now, select Turn off these OneDrive settings not recommended. Windows checks for these critical updates when you finish setting up Windows 8.

Downloading and installing these updates might take a few minutes, depending on the updates you need. Your PC might also need to restart one or more times to complete the updates. Your desktop apps come with you when you update to Windows 8. You can see all of the Windows Store apps you own in the Your apps section of the Store.

From here, you can choose the ones you want to install on your updated PC and install them all at once.

Select Accountand then select My apps. Note: You don't need to wait for the apps to finish installing. They'll keep installing in the background while you do other things. Update to Windows 8. Need more help?

Windows 8.1 update cancel free download the discussion. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. How can we improve? Send No thanks. Thank you for your feedback!

Windows 8.1 update cancel free download.How to Disable “Update to Windows 8.1 for Free” Notification in Windows 8 Store?

Get the free update. The Store is no longer open for Windows 8, so you'll need to download Windows as a free update. Go to the Windows download page and select your Windows edition. Select Confirm and follow the remaining prompts to begin the download. Oct 16,  · Microsoft Download Manager is free and available for download now. Back Next These updates (*.msu) provide a collection of performance and reliability improvements that are designed to improve the Windows experience.

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